Learn Story Craft

Social Media by Josephine Eniola Adetifa


Learn Story Craft, known as LSC, is a storytelling blog dedicated to imparting the art of storytelling to creative writers. Through newsletters, Medium blog posts, and engaging social media content, LSC believes in demystifying writing, asserting that everyone possesses the ability and merely needs guidance. The primary aim of our social media strategy centred on expanding newsletter subscribers and driving enrolment in their online courses.


To fulfil the client’s goals, we commenced with a comprehensive social media audit, and established a special social media page, steering away from reliance on personal accounts as per the client’s preference. The primary platforms chosen were Facebook and Instagram.

A diverse array of content, including reels, educational posts, carousels, memes, writing prompts, and engaging polls, was strategically shared daily on the feed. The stories content, on the other hand, incorporated a more personalised touch to enhance connection. To extend reach, Google Analytics was seamlessly integrated into our strategy for paid media campaigns, ensuring a broader and more targeted audience engagement.

RESULTS (within 12 months)

  • 4,132 new newsletter subscribers

  • Organic followers surged from 13 to an impressive 3,791 followers

  • 659 individuals enrolling into the Learn Story Craft online course

Gilbert Bassey

Founder of Learn Story Craft

“Josephine is pretty damn fantastic. We first worked together on a film release for my production company and she blew me away with her creativity, professionalism, work ethic and warmth. I was so impressed I had to hire her to handle my personal accounts. I couldn’t recommend her more highly.”